Events Sub-Committee
The function of the Events Sub-Committee is to arrange social events. The Sub-Committee receives and considers suggestions for suitable social gatherings and then arranges events as appropriate. The Sub-Committee is particularly keen on events involving other maritime groups, with a view to developing the ties which the Association has with the maritime industry as a whole.
Members with suggestions for suitable social events are invited to contact the Association Secretary, or any member of the Executive Committee.
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China Affairs Sub-Committee |
The function of the China Affairs Sub-Committee is to ensure that the Association is able to play an appropriate role in PRC maritime and legal affairs. The Association interacts with many Chinese organisations (in particular the Chinese Maritime Law Association) and on many levels. The Sub-Committee is responsible for this interaction on behalf of the Association.
For information on this or any other issues relating to China affairs, please contact the Association Secretary.
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Ad hoc Legal Sub-Committee |
The function of the Ad hoc Legal Sub-Committee is to consider current maritime law issues so that the Association can contribute towards the wider debate of these issues and relevant reform. Issues are chosen by the Executive Committee and a Sub-Committee is constituted accordingly. Issues range from international issues under consideration by CMI and other international bodies (e.g. international conventions), to domestic issues which relate exclusively to Hong Kong (e.g. civil justice reform).
Click to view the Report of the Association's Working Party on Civil Justice Reform in Hong Kong.
Members with suggestions for suitable issues for consideration by the Ad hoc Legal Sub-Committee are invited to contact the Association Secretary, or any member of the Executive Committee.
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CPD and Dispute Resolution Sub-Committee |
The function of the CPD/Dispute Resolution Sub-Committee is to promote maritime legal education and dispute resolution in Hong Kong, and to provide a forum for members to discuss topical issues in maritime arbitration. In particular, the Sub-Committee is involved in the promotion of Hong Kong as a centre for maritime dispute resolution. The Sub-Committee also maintains close contacts with the , and the
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Recently, members of the Sub-Committee were involved in the drafting of a standard Hong Kong Maritime Arbitration Clause which is intended for incorporation into charterparties and other contracts. Click to view this standard clause. For information on issues relating to CPD or dispute resolution, please contact the Association Secretary, or any member of the Executive Committee. |